FUN! JAPAN Terms of Use

Welcome to FUN! JAPAN!

“FUN! JAPAN” collectively means a project (“FUN! JAPAN Project”) that offers services including the operation of the Fun! Japan website (including, but not limited to, the web domain which may later be revised or changed for any reason) (the “Site”), as well as services provided on the Site (including, but not limited to, provision of information and social media) and other related services in order to draw interest to Japan by introducing Japanese products and services to consumers.

The governing body of FUN! JAPAN, Fun Japan Communications Co., LTD., offers services and information to its customers in accordance with the following Terms of Use (the “Terms of Use”). “FUN! JAPAN“, “we”, “us” and “our” hereby refers to the FUN! JAPAN Project, the Site or Fun Japan Communications Co., LTD., individually or collectively, as implied by the context.

Please read the following Terms of Use carefully. By using or accessing FUN! JAPAN, you, as customer, are deemed to have agreed to the Terms of Use below. Should you access or purchase a product or service from our partners through FUN! JAPAN presently or in the future, you are also deemed to have agreed to the terms of use and guidelines of that partner at that time regardless of whether they are specified on the Site. In the event of a conflict between the terms of use and guidelines for the products and services of our partner(s) and these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall prevail.


Our Personal Information Protection Policies apply to you when you use FUN! JAPAN.

Please read them carefully and make sure you understand them.

Electronic communication

When you use FUN! JAPAN or send an email to FUN! JAPAN, you are engaging in electronic communication with FUN! JAPAN.

You hereby agree to receive communications by means via the Site from FUN! JAPAN, including notifications regarding its operation, advertisements or communications which may be given as part of our services. You are deemed to have agreed that electronic communications from FUN! JAPAN, including all agreements, notices, and information disclosure, satisfies the legal requirements for communications in writing.


All contents provided via FUN! JAPAN (e.g., characters, graphics, logos, button icons, images, movies, audio clips, digitally downloaded materials, and edited data) are the property of either FUN! JAPAN or the content provider and are protected by Japan’s copyright laws and international laws concerning copyrights. All compilations of contents provided via FUN! JAPAN are the exclusive property of FUN! JAPAN and are protected by Japan's copyright laws and international laws concerning copyrights. You may not reprint or reproduce information, images, etc. that are provided via FUN! JAPAN without getting permission from us.

License and access to the site

FUN! JAPAN or any content provider grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-commercial and personal license to use FUN! JAPAN on the condition that you comply with these Terms of Use (no assignment or sublicense is permitted). This license does not cover any of the following: resale or commercial use of Fun! Japan or its contents; collection or use of product lists, descriptions or prices; secondary use of Fun! Japan or its content or use of data collection or extraction tools such as data mining or robot.

FUN! JAPAN or its licensors, suppliers, publishers, right holders, or other content holders reserve all rights that are not explicitly granted by these Terms of Use or other terms. You may not duplicate, photocopy, copy, sell, resell, access, or otherwise use FUN! JAPAN or any part thereof for commercial use without an explicit written consent from Fun! Japan. You may not frame or use frame technology to incorporate any logo or any other information of value owned by FUN! JAPAN (including, but not limited to, images, characters, page layout, and forms) without an explicit written consent. You are prohibited from misusing FUN! JAPAN, and may only use FUN! JAPAN according to applicable laws. If you use FUN! JAPAN in violation of these Terms of Use or any other applicable conditions, this license may be revoked, cancelled or terminated at the discretion of FUN! JAPAN without notice.

Product descriptions

FUN! JAPAN strives, as much as possible, to maintain accuracy. FUN! JAPAN does not, however, guarantee that any product descriptions or other contents on the Site are accurate, complete, reliable, up-to-date or free of errors.

Note that this provision applies only to products introduced by FUN! JAPAN.

Software requirements upon using FUN! JAPAN

We recommend that you use the latest version of one of the following browsers when using FUN! JAPAN.
(As of February 2018)
• Google Chrome
• FireFox
• Internet Explorer
• Safari

Submission by third parties

FUN! JAPAN assumes no liability or obligation for any third-party business or individual or any action, product, or content from a third party. We recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies and terms of use of such companies.


Unless otherwise specified in writing, FUN! JAPAN and all information, contents, materials, products (including software), and other services that you can use on the Site are provided by FUN! JAPAN on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Unless otherwise specified in writing, FUN! JAPAN does not make any type of representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, concerning the operation of FUN! JAPAN, the Site or information, content, material, or product posted on FUN! JAPAN. You are deemed to explicitly consent to use the Site and FUN! JAPAN at your own risk. In particular, you explicitly agree to release FUN! JAPAN from any responsibility pertaining to any liabilities and losses resulting from claims, disputes, or damages occurred as a result of the loss of stored data or server suspension.

FUN! JAPAN does not make any recommendations regarding the purchases, sales or holding of products or services or applications thereto (the ”Purchases”) that are available to customers on the Site (the ”Information Provided”). Because the contents of the Information Provided may change from time to time, we ask our users to make decisions for the Purchases of the products based on their own judgment, without solely relying on the Information Provided as posted by FUN! JAPAN. FUN! JAPAN does not assume any responsibility, will not act as a consultant, and will not become a party to any sales or contract negotiations between the customers, regardless of whether the interaction takes place via the Site.

FUN! JAPAN will not intervene in any discussions or transactions between customers arising out of the use of FUN! JAPAN and/or the Site. Any tasks, communications, fulfillment of legal obligations or troubleshooting that result from engagements between customers are the sole responsibility of such customers. FUN! JAPAN does not assume any responsibility for any damages caused by or arising from the use of the Site and/or FUN! JAPAN, or caused by or arising from the publishing of the Information Provided.

FUN! JAPAN will not offer any warranty (including, but not limited to, warranty that it is not against any specific purpose, and that it has merchantability or fitness of purpose), to the extent possible permitted under applicable law, for products or services that can be accessed or obtained via the Site, whether implicit or explicit. FUN! JAPAN does not guarantee that the information, contents, materials, products (including software), services included in or provided by FUN! JAPAN or other services, server or email communications sent by FUN! JAPAN are not infected with viruses or other harmful elements. FUN! JAPAN does not assume any responsibility for any damages including, but not limited to, direct and indirect, incidental, punitive, or inevitable damages of any kind resulting from the use and access of FUN! JAPAN.

Governing law

By using FUN! JAPAN, you agree that the laws of Japan, without regard to conflicts of laws principles, shall govern these Terms of Use and any type of dispute that may arise in connection with FUN! JAPAN between you and FUN! JAPAN or companies supporting FUN! JAPAN.


In addition to the court of general jurisdiction permitted under the applicable law, Tokyo District Court shall be designated as the additional jurisdictional court for all disputes associated with access to the Site and FUN! JAPAN. Corporate Customers agree that Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court.

Site operational policies, revision, severability

Carefully read the operational policies of the Site, including those regarding prices posted on the Site. These policies also restrict your use of FUN! JAPAN. FUN! JAPAN reserves the right to revise the Site, policies or Terms of Use at any time. If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that provision will be deemed severable from these terms and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

Governing Body

The Site is managed and operated by Fun Japan Communications Co., LTD. Regarding the rights, privileges and disclaimers held and exercisable by FUN! JAPAN under these Terms of Use, Fun Japan Communications Co., LTD may exercise or insist on such rights, privileges and disclaimers.


Email: [email protected]

Personal Information Protection Policies

All Customers

Please read the following policies prior to providing personal information to FUN! JAPAN (“FUN! JAPAN” or “we” or “us”). Upon your agreement to the terms in this statement, you can benefit from FUN! JAPAN services that utilize your personal information.

1. Purpose of use of personal information

The FUN! JAPAN service will use your personal information for the following purposes (hereinafter referred to as “Purposes of Use”):

(1) Advertising, promotion, and marketing for the FUN! JAPAN service
• Personalization of the contents and advertisement you view based on your usage history of the FUN! JAPAN service's web site, etc.
• Development of new services and enhancement of existing services based on an analysis of your use of the FUN! JAPAN service

(2) Support for your inquiry
• Support for your inquiry concerning the FUN! JAPAN service via email, mail, etc.

(3) Other purposes associated with FUN! JAPAN service
• Usage that is deemed necessary to provide the FUN! JAPAN service in accordance with (1) and (2) above

(4) Miscellaneous
• Personal information may be used for a purpose not stipulated above for individual services. In such case, a notification will be placed on the web site of the individual service.

2. Acquisition of personal information

When providing services, we collect the following information pertaining to our customers. These are examples of personal information, and may not constitute personal information, depending on the specific content of the information.

(1) Information provided by you
• All information that you provide to FUN! JAPAN, including in relation to an inquiry, your name, language and email address.

(2) Information that is mechanically obtained when you access this website
• Information such as the IP address and mobile terminal model identification when your computer accesses the Internet
• Information that is obtained when you access this website, such as the type and version of your browser, operating system and platform, as well as the pages (URLs) you visited, the time and date of your visits, and the products you viewed or searched for
• In addition to the above, information that is automatically collected and stored every time you use the FUN! JAPAN’s services, such as access information obtained by using cookie or web beacon technology

3. Provision and entrustment of personal information

We handle personal information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan and will not disclose to or share your personal information with third parties without your consent unless required or permitted by law and regulations. However, your personal information may be provided to or handled by a third party to the extent necessary to achieve the Purpose of Use of personal information. In such case, we stipulate in the agreement with such third party that the personal information will be handled and managed in the same manner as under this policy and the identification of such third party and the management by such third parties is verified as appropriate.

(1) The purpose of provision or entrustment are the same as those specified under “1. Purpose of uses of personal information”

(2) Personal data provided is the same as specified in “2. Acquisition of personal information”

(3) The scope of joint users is limited to service providers who require the information in order to carry out their duties.

(4) The means and method of providing and sharing information are the same as systems managed by the FUN! JAPAN service, electronic media such as CD-ROM, and analog media, such as paper.

(5) When you request us to cease to provide and/or share information, please refer to and proceed with “5. Notification, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion of the Purpose of Use of personal information, as well as, suspension of use, elimination, stopping of provision to third parties of personal information”

4. Protection of personal information

We take appropriate and reasonable protective measures from technical and management perspective, to properly manage, and prevent the disclosure, loss, or damage of personal information. We promise to manage and protect the collection, use and provision of personal information strictly within the bounds of legitimate service under the direction of an information security manager appointed in accordance with the personal information protection policies of the management company, Fun Japan Communications Co., LTD.

5. Notification, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion of the Purpose of Use of personal information, as well as, suspension of use, elimination, stopping of provision to third parties of personal information

•You may request us to provide you with your personal data for the confirmation, to notify you of the Purpose of Use and to disclose, correct, add, delete or terminate, suspend the provision to any third party, of your personal data through “Contact Us.” on this website
•The procedure of deletion or elimination of your personal data, due to the nature of personal data possessed, may not be effectuated or completed. In such case, FUN! JAPAN will, pursuant to your request to “Contact us” on this website, suspend the use of the services or the provision of the personal data to service providers.
•FUN! JAPAN may keep backup data as a precaution in case of data loss due to computer failure, other force majeure or human error. Due to its nature, you cannot take any procedures to confirm the backup data.
•By using the service, you are deemed to have agreed to the provisions under “5. Notification, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion of the Purpose of Use of personal information, as well as, termination of use, elimination, stopping of provision to third parties of personal information”

6. Personal information of minors

We, under the FUN! JAPAN’s service, take protective measures to ensure the protection of information relating to minors as carefully as that relating to adults. However, Fun! Japan may require the consent of a legal guardian for the use of FUN! Japan service by users who are identified as minors under the laws of the country or jurisdiction of their residence.

7. Contact regarding personal information

If you have any questions concerning the handling of personal information, please refer to the Help page.

8. Security of this website

As a security measure and in order to protect the information from interception, interference or alteration, the FUN! JAPAN service uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology when you enter important information, such as personal information that can be used to identify individuals.
